Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Creepy house.

 So i basically just took this nice mansion and turned it into a creepy one that you would see in a scary movie by changing the hue/saturation and color balance, making it look dirty with color and turning down the opacity, and then adding some broken windows and boards and a hole in the very top. Also, i added a lightning bolt to add to the effect. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Clown Fish...

This is supposed to be Nemo, but it's obviously Marlin. But yeah, so i made him by doing several different colors and blending....ALOT of blending. This kinda looks like an old version of Marlin. Or maybe it's Nemo's grandpa? Well, hope you like it!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Me :) (lizard style?)

  I made myself have scales with this dragon skin texture that i made:) or i just look like i have some weird skin disease....?